The ROICE team, represented by Dr. Cristina Purcărea, Dr. Iris Tuşa and PhD. Corina Iţcuş, participated at the POLAR2018 event, on June 15-26, 2018, in Davos, Switzerland. This was a joint event of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research – XXXV SCAR Bienal Meeting ( and the International Arctic Science Committee (ISAC) ( POLAR2018 brings… [read more]

The ROICE team at the XXXIV SCAR Biennial Meeting

The ROICE, represented by Dr. Cristina Purcarea, Dr. Cristian Coman, PhD. Iris Maria Tuşa and PhD. Corina Iţcuş, participated in August 20 – 30, 2016, at the XXXIV SCAR Biennial Meeting and Open Science Conference, which held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The scientific papers of the ROICE members team were accepted for the the XXXIV… [read more]

The participation of Romanian APECS members to the First APECS World Summit (ASSOCIATION OF POLAR EARLY CAREER SCIENTISTS) Sofia, Bulgaria, 6-8 June 2015

Since its success during the International Polar Year (IPY), APECS has been grown significantly. Today, APECS’s membership counts about 5000 early career scientists, mentors and educators with interests in the Polar Regions in over 80 countries. But APECS has also evolved institutionally with currently 26 National Committees (NCs) across all continents – except Antarctica. The… [read more]

The participation of Romanian Delegation to the XXXVIII Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting and the XVIII Meeting of the Committee for Environmental Protection

During the period of 1st to 10th June 2015, it took place in Sofia, Bulgaria the XXXVIII Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting and the XVIII Meeting of the Committee for Environmental Protection. The Agenda of the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting has included: multi-year strategic work plan, operations and safety in Antarctica, tourism and non-governmental activities in… [read more]